少时一次善意,换来两年囚禁,三年噩梦,一朝失忆,面前迷人的混血帅哥长的真是帅啊!一句,我只是爱你,让她更是把心都送了出去。……殊不知,越吸引人的越致命。小剧场“希澈把你的手收回去!”站在厨房里准备早餐的沈菁菁,面含羞涩的说道。“为什么要收回去?”一句反问气的沈菁菁差点拿起刀剁了那只不安分的爪子。“儿子还在外面等着吃饭,你给我出去。”“那让他等着。”希大总裁的不要脸,沈菁菁早已见识,但还没深知不要脸到什么程度,今天到是又让她开了眼。她得想个办法整治一下!希大总裁还沉浸在美色中,不知怀里的娇妻已经打起了坏主意。Such a Pretty Face
With stories by acclaimed and exciting new YA writers: Louise HawesJ. James Keels Ron Koertge Chris Lynch Norma Fox Mazer Lauren Myracle Jamie Pittel Anita Riggio Mary Ann Rodman Ellen Wittlinger Jacqueline Woodson Tim Wynne-Jones A stellar line-up of young adult writers examines our relationship with beauty in stories that haunt, amuse, stir, and fascinate. A beauty queen with a chin-hair problem, an aspiring model who would rather take pictures than be in them, a boy in love with the gorgeous nurse he's never seen, a girl named Beauty who feels like anything but—the teenagers in these dozen stories feel the power of beauty, whether it's to trap, save, torment, or comfort. In an era when image seems to have triumphed over virtue and reason, this timely, discussion-provoking collection asks young readers to think about what is truly beautiful.