Jael has always felt like a freak. She has never kissed a boy, she never knew her mom, and her dad has always been superstrict—but that's probably because her mom was a demon, which makes Jael half demon and most definitely not a normal sophomore girl. On her 16th birthday, a mysterious present unlocks her family's dangerous history and Jael's untapped potential. What was merely an embarrassing secret before becomes a terrifying reality. Jael must learn to master her demon side in order to take on a vindictive Duke of Hell, while also dealing with a twisted priest, best-friend drama, and a spacey blond skater boy who may have hidden depths. Author Jon Skovron takes on the dark side of human nature with his signature funny, heartfelt prose.世界上最伟大企业的员工守则
众多企业奉为圭臬的第一培训理念 无数员工提升自我的首选励志读本。深度挖掘杰出企业的优秀理念 完美展示卓越员工的职业风貌。卓越的企业需要卓越的员工来塑造,卓越的员工需要卓越的员工守则来打造。综观世界上最优秀、最卓越的企业,它们的成功与辉煌皆源自其优秀的员工守则:中石油、中石化、中国移动、中国网通、联想、海尔、蒙牛、伊利、华为、万科、海南航空、创维、国美、格兰仕、同仁堂、三星电子……