(全文包月)一次醉舒颜惹上A市权利滔天的帝少,从此不得安宁。“疼爱,宠爱,深爱,你选哪个?”墨黎初问道。“额?”“还是全都来一遍?”墨黎初最后用行动证明宠爱深爱疼爱,舒颜怒道:“靠你大爷的,还可以这么疼,这么宠,这么深爱的!”Arcanum 101
Fifteen-year-old Tomas Torres, the son of an immigrant family who are just barely making it, gets picked up by the police for doing some work for the local padrone (collector). For this work, Tomas has made $1000 a week, a lot of money by anyone's count. But what is the work? What is Tomas arrested for? Arson, but arson that cannot be explained. Tomas has a most unusual gift: he is a fire-starter--he can start fires with sheer force of will that flame from the tips of his fingers. More, he can will fireballs to hurl at his enemies or opponents, and he can incinerate any evidence. But the courts decide they have enough to convict young Tomas and send him off to a school (which Tomas believes to be a kind of jail): St. Rhiannon's School for the Gifted and Exceptional Student.泣血雪豹(动物传奇·探险卷)