“天哪,不可能吧,老天爷呀我可没做过什么坏事啊,平时也就是抢小孩棒棒糖,杀杀几个坏蛋呀……你就给我开了一个天大的玩笑,竟然让我穿了!”她,穆瑗汐,21世纪的超级名媛,琴棋书画,样样精通。只不过是在一次执行任务时,被一个叛徒谋害,坠落山崖,没想到竟然穿越成了纳兰氏的千金,纳兰韵琳。穿就穿了吧,可没想到还要进宫选秀女。一如宫门深似海,看看她穆瑗汐,如何跟皇上后宫的那些所谓天天打扮成山鸡的妃嫔斗法……这是小瑶第一次写文文哦,如果有什么不好的地方,大家多多包涵哦!「此文女主是属于比较有心计的哦!」Magic and Other Misdemeanors (Sisters Grimm #5)
Daphne, Sabrina, and Puck's most magic-filled mysteryThe latest addition to the New York Times bestselling series, which Kirkus Reviews calls "memorable and madcap"In book five of the series, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm are ready to tackle their own case: Who is stealing the magical possessions of the most powerful Everafters in town? With Granny distracted by Mayor Heart's campaign against human residents, the girl detectives are on their own. Puss in Boots (now an exterminator), Cinderella (a radio relationship counselor), Sleeping Beauty (owner of a coffee shop), and their old enemy, Prince Charming, are among the many suspects, and one thing is for certain: The villain's plans mean a grim future for the Grimms—truly!