【完结】江琳看着系统助手在地上不断打滑,抑郁望天,“我只想好好看我的倒毛王,为毛我会突然变成丧尸?”系统看着打滑的助手,无语斜视:“真是对不住啊把你搞的不成人样……”江琳:“……所以你是谁来着?”系统:“……你就当成是充话费送的吧。”司道(若有所思):“原来还可以这样。”宁静妍:“维斯,月,这边商业街的小吃很好吃诶。(幸福眯眼”维斯:“宁,我已经调查过了哦,这里厨艺最好的是楼小姐,那边那个摔了一跤的女孩,啧,要拐走吗?”月:“维斯→_→。”宁静妍:“哈哈,真是特别有趣的样子啊。”江琳:“阿嚏!”No Man's Land
'The work of our best living playwright in its command of the language and its power to erect a coherent structure in a twilight zone of confusion and dismay.' The TimesDo Hirst and Spooner really know each other, or are they performing an elaborate charade? The ambiguity - and the comedy - intensify with the arrival of Briggs and Foster. All four inhabit a no-man's-land between time present and a time remembered, between reality and wkkk.net Man's Land was first presented at the National Theatre at the Old Vic, London, in 1975, revived at the Almeida Theatre, London, with Harold Pinter as Hirst and revived by the National Theatre, directed by Harold Pinter, in 2001.