“从我身上下去。”男人的声音透着几分无奈和隐忍。“我不。”少女摇头,双手死死抱住身下的男人。“听话,你这样我没法睡。”“以前我都是趴你身上睡的。”“那不一样……你现在是人。”京城杀伐果断,残暴冷血的神秘大当家意外被只小奶猫所救,从此化身猫奴,跌了一众下属的下巴。然而当有一天睡醒发现怀里的小奶猫变成了俏生生的软萌小丫头,大当家也是傻了眼。问什么情况?当然是养咯~问怎么办?当然是换种方式继续宠喽~“少爷,外面都在传您是不是有什么特殊癖好,为什么把只猫宠得这么无法无天。”大当家表示:“你懂个屁啊,那是老子媳妇。”本书无老梗,新题材,双洁。【新书《陆先生又进黑名单了》已发】The Sexual Life of Catherine M.
A national best-seller that was featured on such lists as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, and Publishers Weekly, The Sexual Life of Catherine M. was the controversial sleeper hit of the year. Since her youth, Catherine Millet, the eminent editor of Art Press, has led an extraordinarily active and free sexual life -- from al fresco encounters in Italy to a gang bang on the edge of the Bois du Boulogne to a high-class orgy at a chichi Parisian restaurant. A graphic account of sex stripped of sentiment, of a life of physical gratification and a relentlessly honest look at the consequences -- both liberating and otherwise -- have created this candid, powerful, and deeply intelligent depiction of unfettered sexuality.假如给我三天光明:海伦·凯勒精选大全集