《必须学会唱歌》在层层递进、环环相扣、起伏跌宕、欲扬先抑的叙事中,真相一点一点被暴露,人物的梦想一次一次被击垮,悲剧一遍一遍上演,终至万劫不复。读完小说,其感受就如同哥那戛然而止的《欢乐颂》,如鲠在喉,不吐不快——这歌声是如何消失的?哥的人生悲剧又是如何造成的?这悲剧首先可视作一种性格的或人性的悲剧。哥的卑怯懦弱与嫂子亚婷的乖张、暴戾之间的反差与张力最直接地酿成了悲剧。哥人生第一次的进城务工的经历因为一次意外的屈辱事件而宣告失败,他就此一蹶不振,以读武侠小说度日,精神陷入的麻痹状态,直到亚婷进入他的生命。尽管初次见面便感觉到亚婷的不对劲,但在情欲的驱使和他人的怂恿下,他还是毅然决然迈出了再次进城寻找亚婷的步伐,也从此一步步滑向命运的深渊。Once Forsaken (A Riley Paige Mystery—Book 7)
"A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)ONCE FORSAKEN is book #7 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 700 five star reviews!