从前,有个渔夫从海上的漂流瓶中放出了被封印的魔神。魔神说:“我曾在瓶中发誓,谁把我放出来就实现他的一个愿望,财富,权势,美女,他想要什么我都会帮他实现!你就是这个幸运的人,说出你的愿望!”渔夫回答:“那请让我当一个优秀的渔夫吧。”魔神难以置信:“愚蠢!换一个!”渔夫想了想:“那就让我的子孙成为优秀的渔夫吧。”魔神大怒:“你蠢疯了吗?”渔夫回答:“我不要那些不是我诚实劳动获得的东西。”魔神咆哮:“我从来都不会诚实劳动!从来都没人拒绝开挂!我要诅咒你的子孙都变成懒惰的欺诈者!”若干年后,一名穿越者成为渔夫的子孙,并成为最强勇者打败了魔神。故事结束?不,故事从大龙与魅魔妹妹的温馨日常生活开始……Winter Kills
President Timothy Kegan is assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Philadelphia; a single shooter is caught and convicted. Fourteen years later, the slain President's brother, Nick, hears a deathbed confession that upends everything he thought he knew about his brother's death. In a desperate rush to find the real killer, Nick must navigate the murky waters of a conspiracy that involves the CIA, oil barons, the police force, movie stars, and people at the highest level of government.A gripping political thriller, this book contains disturbing echoes of the Kennedy Assassination. Rife with political intrigue, it addresses many mysteries that remain unsolved in the real life JFK case--and it's sure to keep you turning pages.