2010年全球出版业共同面临了金融危机,数字出版等新命题,各国出版业在技术研发、发展模式、产业布局等方面进行了探索和调整,其中不乏具有战略性意义的转型之举。作为“海外新闻出版实录丛书”之一,本书包括出版、动漫游戏、印刷与纸张、发行、版权、阅读、政策管理、海外看中国等几方面的内容,全面反映了2010年世界各国出版业的最新动态和发展趋势,为中国出版提供了可资借鉴的经验。Done Dirt Cheap
Tourmaline Harris's life hit pause at fifteen, when her mom went to prison because of Tourmaline's unintentionally damning testimony. But at eighteen, her home life is stable, and she has a strong relationship with her father, the president of a local biker club known as the Wardens. Virginia Campbell's life hit fast-forward at fifteen, when her mom "sold" her into the services of Hazard, a powerful attorney: a man for whom the law is merely a suggestion. When Hazard sets his sights on dismantling the Wardens, he sends in Virginia, who has every intention of selling out the club—and Tourmaline. But the two girls are stronger than the circumstances that brought them together, and their resilience defines the friendship at the heart of this powerful debut novel.