企业家与经理人是我们这个时代经济发展的核心资源,也是风云际会的弄潮儿,他们两者既相互依存,也相互掣肘。本书以企业家和职业经理人的合作及其领导力与管理方法为核心,深入分析了做大企业的基本方法、提升管理质量的各种要素及企业发展的阶段性要求等,总结了民营企业的企业家和职业经理人应当学习与实践的12条商规。 在文后的附录部分,以小说的形式再现国企股权争夺战以及国企老板和经理人之间的恩怨故事,值得仔细品读与赏鉴。军事故事(影响青少年一生的中华典故)
中华文明源远流长,历史文化典籍中的典故也是数不胜数。本书编者在先秦到晚清的文化典籍中穿梭往来,精选出数千则典故,并对每则典故的出处、故事、含义、用法进行了详解。为了方便读者查阅,根据含义的异同对这些典故进行了分类,使读者用起来方便快捷、得心应手。一书在手,尽览中国语言文化的博大精深。Malone Dies
'Malone', writes Malone, 'is what I am called now.' On his deathbed, and wiling away the time with stories, the octogenarian Malone's account of his condition is intermittent and contradictory, shifting with the vagaries of the passing days: without mellowness, without elegiacs; wittier, jauntier, and capable of wilder rages than Molloy. The sound I liked best had nothing noble about it. It was the barking of the dogs, at night, in the clusters of hovels up in the hills, where the stone-cutters lived, like generations of stone-cutters before them. it came down to me where I lay, in the house in the plain, wild and soft, at the limit of earshot, soon weary. The dogs of the valley replied with their gross bay all fangs and jaws and foam…