苏瑾嫁给秦以墨,是蓄谋已久。秦以墨娶她为妻,是百般算计。结婚后,秦大总裁变相宠妻。奈何婆婆刁难,小三小四齐找上门,苏瑾递出离婚协议书:这日子没法过了!再相遇,秦以墨将堵在墙角,捏着她的下巴问:苏瑾,还逃吗?我以为你爱的人是我,未曾想只是你做戏一场。苏瑾,你逃不掉!——秦以墨我时常觉得,秦以墨身上有故人的味道,下意识的接近,再靠近,没想到却惹上了一头吃人不吐骨头的狼。——苏瑾Double Tongue
With an introduction by Meg Rosoff William Golding's final novel, left in draft at his death, tells the story of a priestess of Apollo. Arieka is one of the last to prophesy at Delphi, in the shadowy years when the Romans were securing their grip on the tribes and cities of Greece. The plain, unloved daughter of a local grandee, she is rescued from the contempt and neglect of her family by her Delphic role. Her ambiguous attitude to the god and her belief in him seem to move in parallel with the decline of the god himself - but things are more complicated than they appear. "A remarkable work...A compelling storyteller as well as a clear-eyed philosopher of the dangerous puzzles of being human." (The Times). "A wonderful central character. The story stretches out as clean and dry and clear as the beach in Lord of the Flies."(Independent). "Feline, deadpan and at moments hilarious." (Observer).人文教育读本