朝旭和老王挨着坐的。老王用脚踢了下朝旭,示意朝旭别给说这些。说这些没用。现在的干部谁还这样想?朝旭一时语塞……老王咳嗽了一声,没接着朝旭的话说:“没哪个不让你回家、不准你外出啊!你还不是经常外出办事啊!但你老是回家睡觉就没对啊!你是排长,按规定该和兵同吃同住吧。这是条令规定的没错吧。你这三更半夜、三天两头的往家跑,夜不归营,比我和指导员还回家的勤些。总不对吧?!” 李跃进找了很多理由最后说:“……就是条令也是人制定的,总要有点人情味吧?!”谈话不欢而散。李排长走了。The Complete Short Prose of Samuel Beckett, 1929-1
Nobel Prize winner Samuel Beckett was one of the most profoundly original writers of the 20th century. He gave expression to the anguish and isolation of the individual consciousness with a purity and minimalism that have altered the shape of world literature. A tremendously influential poet and dramatist, Beckett spoke of his prose fiction as the "important writing," the medium in which he distilled his ideas most powerfully. Here, for the first time, his short prose is gathered in a definitive, complete volume by leading Beckett scholar S. E. Gontarski.