这个长相俊美的男生是撒旦派来恶整她的吗?为什么,一见到他就没好事。原本重生后一连串的复仇计划,也因为他的介入而变得更加的混乱,难道,这就是重生带来的蝴蝶效应……当小野猫伪装成乖乖牌。当腹黑恶魔男伪装成优雅贵公子。当伪装遇到伪装……会迸发出什么……Been There, Run That
"This is what I want for entrepreneurs, especially for women: to believe in themselves, to dream bigger, reach higher, and to achieve success beyond their wildest expectations." —Kay KoplovitzBeen There, Run That is an anthology of blog posts by thought leaders in technology, media, e-commerce and life sciences, curated by Kay Koplovitz, founder of USA Network and chairman of Springboard Enterprises.In 2000, Koplovitz co-founded Springboard as an accelerator for an expert network of women entrepreneurs. In their first six months, Springboard companies raised over $165 million in total funding, and nearly $200 million in their first year.Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish Town, Jamaica
【新文《原来是你在我身后》已发,求支持吖】在一次误打误撞中,某位王爷遇见了一只调皮狡猾的小狐狸,从此开始了自己的漫长追妻之路~侍卫:“王……王爷,云小姐又双叒叕出门了,好像是去参加什么宴会,您说该如何是好?”某王爷:“走,跟我一起去。”“啊?”“和我一道去将我的小狐狸抢回来,她说过,抢到了就是我的。”底下一群乌泱泱的人,这也不知道是第几次了,我们真是太难了啊,咱也不知道,咱也不敢问。The Voyeur
Mathias, a timorous, ineffectual traveling salesman, returns to the island of his birth after a long absence. Two days later, a thirteen-year-old girl is found drowned and mutilated. With eerie precision, Robbe-Grillet puts us at the scene of the crime and takes us inside Mathias's mind, artfully enlisting us as detective hot on the trail of a homocidal maniac. A triumphant display of the techniques of the new novel, The Voyeur achieves the impossible feat of keeping us utterly engrossed in the mystery of the child's murder while systematically raising doubts about whether it really occurred.股票作手操盘术