穿越了?哦哦,好吧。为了一个薄情男子自尽?哦哦,好吧。等等,除了一个爱得死去活来的臭男人,为什么还必须要面对着街坊四邻的指指点点啊!还有那个抢了别人心上人的公主,你真是太LOW了好伐?抢过去了就算了,竟然还要背地里下黑手!想要我的命啊?可没那么容易~我堂堂一个二十一世纪的新新女性,清宫戏的狂热爱好者,难道连你这么一个小角色都对付不了了吗?太天真了好吗!唉唉,那边那个冷面王爷,看过来好吧,我好稀饭你啊!The Moth in the Mirror
An original ebook-only novella in the Splintered series, told from the points of view of both Jeb and Morpheus. Morpheus wants to know more about his rival for Alyssa's affections, so he digs into Jeb's memories of his time in Wonderland. But he may be surprised by what he finds. This brand-new story and perspective from A.G. Howard's dark, magical world stands alone but also provides a tantalizing glimpse of what's to come in Unhinged, the sequel to Splintered.