投胎?当然是有钱人家!生活?没人疼爱,要学会找爱.三个姐姐如此艳丽,没有嫉妒,却是欣喜,好处多多.有哪多呢?钱多,人多,帅哥多.哪怕是个陪衬,也自甘情愿.只是,到底哪个黑心的家伙,竟然害我清白.拜托,他到底有眼力不?我可是只会阿谀奉承的丑小鸭.到底那个暗地里那夜跑到我房间的是谁?是大姐的男友?还是二姐的?或许是三姐的?谁那样恶劣...竟然想玩耨我?888888888888888888888888888888888888888888推荐好友作品:伊图草希:禁爱冰冰七月:暴君,邪妃不予:这个奶爸有点酷http://m.wkkk.net?info/m.wkkk.net紫树叶子:包养老婆野人乙:我的天王老公海源蒙儿:爱我,请将我禁锢殷紫:哥,我爱你888888888888888888889999999999999999999999本文纯属于虚构.如有不符合常理的事情,还请多多见谅.The Secret of Rover
The Secret of Rover follows the clever and resourceful twins Katie and David as they race across the country in their attempt to outwit an international team of insurgents who hold their parents and baby sister captive in a foreign land. Held hostage because they invented a spy technology called Rover that can locate anyone in the world, Katie and David's parents are in grave danger. Now, it's up to Katie and David to rescue them. But first they must find their reclusive uncle, whom they have never met—the only person they know who can help them. This page-turning story from a debut author with insider knowledge of Washington is fun, suspenseful, and convincingly real.