我们在日常生活、工作或社会交往中,经常遇到误解别人或被别人误解的情况。误解确实是痛苦的,但又是人生中难以避免的。即使双方都很努力地想让对方明白自己的真正意图,却经常事与愿违,不经意间误解就这么发生了。本书全面列举了我们在生活中经常遇到的误解情况,详细分析了我们误解他人或被人误解的原因,并针对这些情况,提出了多种可以帮助人们减少误解的方法,相信读了本书,你在人际关系上会有自己的进退之法与取舍之道。Such a Pretty Face
With stories by acclaimed and exciting new YA writers: Louise HawesJ. James Keels Ron Koertge Chris Lynch Norma Fox Mazer Lauren Myracle Jamie Pittel Anita Riggio Mary Ann Rodman Ellen Wittlinger Jacqueline Woodson Tim Wynne-Jones A stellar line-up of young adult writers examines our relationship with beauty in stories that haunt, amuse, stir, and fascinate. A beauty queen with a chin-hair problem, an aspiring model who would rather take pictures than be in them, a boy in love with the gorgeous nurse he's never seen, a girl named Beauty who feels like anything but—the teenagers in these dozen stories feel the power of beauty, whether it's to trap, save, torment, or comfort. In an era when image seems to have triumphed over virtue and reason, this timely, discussion-provoking collection asks young readers to think about what is truly beautiful.罪与囚(中国好小说)