本书重点论述了历代的丁忧制度。例如,秦朝为了强化对人民的精神禁锢,曾号令天下臣民一律戴重孝为天子守丧三年等。而丁忧制度真正普及开来,是在儒家思想得到统治者认可,成为国家正统思想之后。如在唐代法律中,丁忧制度被加以确认,形成了对官员丁忧行为的礼制和法制层面的双重约束。而到了清朝又施行了满汉不同的丁忧制度。AARP's 5 Secrets to Brain Health
Worried about memory loss? You're not alone. But many experts now believe you can prevent or at least delay that decline--even if you have a genetic predisposition to dementia. AARP's 5 Secrets to Brain Health offers the prescription:+ Eating smart+ Being fit+ Working your mind+ Socializing+ Stressing lessIn this book, you'll find quick tips, research findings, resources, and expert advice to help you stay sharp. And the best news? It's not hard to do or time consuming. And it's not too late to begin.