进入21世纪,人类真正走进了知识经济时代,技术的更新换代速度越来越快,信息的普及率越来越高。文明在辉映着我们,社会的发展日新月异,无论在任何领域,人们都希望把自己的聪明才智淋漓尽致地发挥出来。在变幻莫测的商海,更是一个充满着激烈竞争的世界。Camp Pleasant
This short novel that is told with almost fable-like simplicity: Matt Harper is a first-time counselor at a boy's summer camp when he witnesses a casual brutality that leads to murder. The bullying, gluttonous headman Ed Nolan (who has "reduced Camp Pleasant to a microcosm of the Third Reich") is portrayed as one stereotype that the reader is not sorry to see killed off. Instead, all of our sympathy is reserved for the possible suspects: Merv Loomis, the homosexual counselor Nolan humiliates into quitting; the troubled ten-year-old Tony Rocca; Nolan's meek wife, Ellen; and several others. The setting and tone have the distinct feel of the early 1950s, but a casual reference to actress Catherine Deneuve places the action in the mid-60s or later.