高中时期的初次相遇,他全身闪耀着光芒照亮了她的世界,一个原本与她毫无交集的人就这样闯进了她的生命中。“季凌轩,我们都成了别人爱情故事里的红娘了,可你什么时候才来娶我呀?”“那你说,现在可好?”他腹黑的笑着,身体慢慢的前倾……The Terrible Two Go Wild
Everyone's favorite pranksters are at it again! School's out, and Miles and Niles are running wild in the woods outside town: climbing trees, exploring caves, and, yes, pranking. But these leafy, lazy days of mischief darken when bully Josh Barkin and his cadets from a nearby kids' boot camp discover the merrymakers—and vow to destroy them. Are our heroes' sharp minds any match for these hooligans' hard fists? The latest installment of the witty, on-target illustrated series is another "fast paced, laugh-out-loud novel" (School Library Journal) that proves once again that, in the hands of the powerless, pranks can be tools of justice—plus, they're funny.