东方大陆中,各路武林高手身怀绝技,为“天下第一”的头衔而拼死厮杀!西方大陆中,巫师、精灵、巨龙和魔法师,为了争夺六枚魔法石而展开战争!南方大陆中,异能学校的师生各展所能,与联邦政府和邪灵宗之间形成三足鼎立!北方大陆中,拥有着至高科技的铁血帝国,却谋求着将整个四方大陆都纳入自己的版图!楚轩手握绝世宝剑,召唤出那条由冰雪化成的巨龙,展开一双属于异能者的翅膀,俯冲向海面上的那艘原力战舰!剑气冲云霄,一剑破长空!七尺男儿,铮铮铁骨;魔法公主,冰清玉洁;异能女孩;娇俏可人;神枪少女,英姿飒爽。且看楚轩如何成为四方掌控者,叱咤风云,纵横天下,走向世界巅峰,谱写一曲跨越亘古的永恒传奇!She, Myself, and I
Ever since Rosa's nerve disease rendered her quadriplegic, she's depended on her handsome, confident older brother to be her rock and her mirror. But when a doctor from Boston chooses her to be a candidate for an experimental brain transplant, she and her family move from London in search of a miracle. Sylvia—a girl from a small town in Massachusetts —is brain dead, and her parents have agreed to donate her body to give Rosa a new life. But when Rosa wakes from surgery, she can' t help but wonder, with increasing obsession, who Sylvia was and what her life was like. Her fascination with her new body and her desire to understand Sylvia prompt a road trip based on self-discovery… and a surprising new romance. But will Rosa be able to solve the dilemma of her identity?