推荐新书《盛世嫡妃,腹黑王爷太撩人》大爆料:某贵族学校一女子居然进入了会长车内,并给了他一脚!表面上,所有能够出现戚野薄的地方便会出现该女子;然而该女子却数次离开,让一众粉丝牵肠肚挂。看似联姻的外衣下,某人内心早已打定主意,联姻?你是哪位?不存在!戚野薄却早已吃味,将所有的一切偷偷打理好,顺带拔除一切情敌。/我要选择自由/先绑定好我/你是我世界的唯一/强宠!本文一对一A Topps League Story
It's Chad's first spring as a batboy, and the Pine City Porcupines are hot—until they come up against the league-leading Heron Lake Humdingers. Now Chad's got a whole lineup of problems: his favorite player, shortstop Mike Stammer, thinks he's jinxed; Dylan, the other batboy, doesn't even like baseball; there's a goofy new porcupine mascot on the field; plus, Chad has to fill in as batboy for the Herons. It's a good thing there's something in the cards—his baseball cards, that is—that can help Chad sort it all out.