An Ocean in Iowa
A funny, bittersweet exploration of how a child can change in one short year of love, loss, and growing up…Seven-year-old Scotty Ocean decides that seven is going to be "his year." But soon after his birthday, his artist-turned-alcoholic mother abandons the family—leaving Scotty and his two older sisters alone with their father. As his perfect year is torn apart (falls apart?), Scotty begins to act out during school and takes a series of increasingly wild actions to try to win his mother back—and, when that doesn't work, to replace her.暖婚新妻,老公深深爱
莫少航,在同城是个如雷贯耳的名字。人人皆说,他跺跺脚,整个同城都要抖上一抖。传闻他做事心狠手辣,嗜血阴险,又俊美非凡,风度翩翩。可就是这么一个人,他居然告她非礼!乔子悦对着带了里几十个保镖过来要求她负责的男人,忽然觉得不想活了……乔子悦咬牙切齿:“我不嫁!”莫少航眯了眯那双漂亮到极致的丹凤眼,不紧不慢道:“老婆,请对你我负责任!”The Classic Mantle
In The Classic Mantle, acclaimed sportswriter Buzz Bissinger tells the story of Mickey Mantle's unforgettable career. Mantle has long been considered one of baseball's most memorable figuresplaying his entire 18-year baseball career for the New York Yankees (195168), winning 3 American League MVP titles, playing in 20 All-Star games, and winning 7 World Series. Today, more than 40 years after his retirement, he still holds 6 World Series records, including most home runs (18). Bissinger goes beyond the statistics to bring Mantle to life, and stunning photographs by Marvin E. Newman make this book a fitting tribute to Mantle's career and his lasting impact on the sport of baseball. Praise for The Classic Mantle: Even if you're a Yankee hater, you can't help but love this bookand Mickey Mantle.” The Buffalo News