2-3岁是幼儿成长发育最为关键的时期。在心理上,自我意识开始形成,出现“不听话、耍性子”甚至反抗的现象;在情感上,亲子“依恋关系”强化,情绪外露易变;在身体上,肢体动作、平衡能力有较快的发展,语言表达、听说能力正在形成。然而,此时也是幼儿即将离开家人,独自入园的时候。这期间,孩子因突然长时间离开家人所表现出的“分离焦虑”与年轻父母因对孩子的“担忧牵挂”的而产生的两种情绪波动强烈,这无疑是对初为人父母者的一个严峻考验。本书采取了家园双方对话、讲故事的形式,以生动的案例为家长解忧释疑。同时,也可为托幼教师的日常工作提供参考。Misty Gordon and the Mystery of the Ghost Pirates
Here is a funny middle-grade mystery from a bright new fiction talent. Things in the New England town of Ashcrumb are getting weird. Or just weirder. Misty Gordon, whose antique-dealing parents drive a van that says "D.E.A.D." on the side (for "Deceased’s Estate and Antique Dealer"), is accustomed to weird. One day, when accompanying her father to the estate of a recently departed clairvoyant, Misty discovers a notebook and a pair of eyeglasses that enable her to see ghosts! And solve mysteries. With the help of her new powers and her best friend, Yoshi, Misty learns that her hometown was settled not by respectable colonists but by pirates! And the ghosts of the pirates are returning to reclaim a dangerous, powerful treasure they lost centuries ago. Who will find it first, Misty or the pirates?