(本书荣获2016年星创奖之历史入围奖!)书友群:309429159!弘治五年,徐溥春风得意当了一朝首辅,李东阳初出茅庐做了会试考官。刘健熬成了文渊阁大学士,谢迁尚未入阁成就贤相美名。杨廷和奉旨参修《宪宗实录》,刘大夏一把火烧了《郑和海图》。王阳明抱着书本埋头苦读准备着即将到来的乡试,弘治皇帝与张皇后悠然自得的闲逗着绕膝玩耍的萌娃正德。在这个大师云集,名臣辈出的美好时代,春风迷醉的余姚城里出身贫寒的穿越少年谢慎登高远望,心中已经埋下了梦想。谁言寒门再难出贵子,我便要入一入内阁,做一做首辅,提两壶美酒,拥一方佳人。世人有云:谢阁老一只秃笔安社稷,一张薄纸定乾坤。无人不知谢文正,无人不晓谢余姚。The Last Thing You Said
Last summer, Lucy's and Ben's lives changed in an instant. One moment, they were shyly flirting on a lake raft, finally about to admit their feelings to each other after years of yearning. In the next, Trixie—Lucy's best friend and Ben's sister—was gone, her heart giving out during a routine swim. And just like that, the idyllic world they knew turned upside down, and the would-be couple drifted apart, swallowed up by their grief. Now it's a year later in their small lake town, and as the anniversary of Trixie's death looms, Lucy and Ben's undeniable connection pulls them back together. They can't change what happened the day they lost Trixie, but the summer might finally bring them closer to healing—and to each other.