突然而来的赐婚,伴着清晰的梦境,入了轮回。洞房花烛,竟见了那一身久藏于心的皮相。费力的讨好,只求一分安守,却不想步步走错,没了退路。在这深宅府院,吞噬了七情,了却一颗玲珑心,却独独留下了蛇蝎。心狠上位的烟尘女子,纯真无邪的林家姊妹,一个当家夫婿,纷纷收了身旁。众人各房心思,身边还偏得个机灵小姑子,分分推着上前搅。一个又一个阴谋,一环又一环心计,等心明之时,早已由不得自己。和尚说,了了这众生之缘,方得回返之道。可眼见了这些,心痛,心狠,心惜,心绝,心念,又何能得来了却?“这一步,走出去万劫不复,退回来,则后患无穷。”鸟为食亡,人自相争,后院深宅,自来便不是安心得理之所。Suicide Blonde
Vanity Fair called this intensely erotic story of a young woman's sexual and psychological odyssey "a provocative tour through the dark side." Jesse, a beautiful twenty-nine-year-old, is adrift in San Francisco's demimonde of sexually ambiguous, bourbon-drinking, drug-taking outsiders. While desperately trying to sustain a connection with her bisexual boyfriend in a world of confused and forbidden desire, she becomes the caretaker of and confidante to Madame Pig, a besotted, grotesque recluse. Jesse also falls into a dangerous relationship with Madison, Pig's daughter or lover or both, who uses others' desires for her own purposes, hurtling herself and Jesse beyond all boundaries. With Suicide Blonde, Darcey Steinke delves into themes of identity and time, as well as the common - and now tainted - language of sexuality.做人要低调,做事要博弈