“犯我文明者,虽远必诛!” ……… 宇宙进入星际联盟时代后,地球文明逐渐发展起来,接触到了更加先进的科技,得知星际联盟的地球文明并不信任联盟,虽然获得了部分联盟的共享科技但是一直没有主动向星际联盟接触。 直到与另一个文明相遇,星际战争爆发,地球的一次失利致使节节败退,战火蔓延到了太阳系,在战火中地球遭到不可挽回重创,地球文明不得不向星际联盟寻求帮助,在联盟的干预下,战争结束了。 但是地球已经没有了往日的生机,继续留在太阳系已经不安全了,文明高层决定放弃地球,去冰冷的宇宙中寻找新的家园,只有一小部分人不愿离开,选择了留下。周骁无意间穿越到这个世界,获得了系统,借助于系统的存在,建立舰队为地球人创造了生存的空间,以实力争得地球军方的认可,不断的征战,称霸整个星域…………Fly By Night
Everybody knew that books were dangerous. Read the wrong book, it was said, and the words crawled around your brain on black legs and drove you mad, wicked mad. Mosca Mye was born at a time sacred to Goodman Palpitattle, He Who Keeps Flies out of Jams and Butterchurns, which is why her father insisted on naming her after the housefly. He also insisted on teaching her to read—even in a world where books are dangerous, regulated things. Eight years later, Quillam Mye died, leaving behind an orphaned daughter with an inauspicious name and an all-consuming hunger for words. Trapped for years in the care of her cruel Uncle Westerly and Aunt Briony, Mosca leaps at the opportunity for escape, though it comes in the form of sneaky swindler Eponymous Clent. As she travels the land with Clent and her pet goose, Saracen, Mosca begins to discover complicated truths about the world she inhabits and the power of words.