本书通过深入浅出的剖析、贴近生活的案例,用简洁明了的语言从各个角度、全方位介绍如何才能利用控场术、巧妙地说服别人,从而达到自己的意图和目的。书中汇聚了作者多年来使用并总结的各种控场的方法和技巧,传授读者在不同场合、面对不同听众时,如何做到有效控场、表述观点、说服他人、取得效果、获得成功。人们只要按照书中的科学指导和技巧训练,就能学会在不同社交及商业场合下,做到挥洒自如、充满自信、富有说服力和震撼力地进行表达和说服,顺利说服他人,并扩大自己的影响力。Second Chances
Second Chances is a hopeful and thoughtful compendium of anecdotes from people who have wanted another chance at something—and have taken it. It's the big stuff like going back to college after the kids have grown up, as well as the little things like getting a judo belt when you thought you could hardly manage a push-up. The book collects the hopeful examples of people who found a leg up, another spurt of energy, a hidden talent, or even an untapped strength, sometimes with the unexpected help of friends or strangers. Combining the feel-good qualities of One Good Deed and the crowdsourcing methods of Like My Mother Always Said, Erin McHugh's latest book is an inspirational guide about letting the future win over the past.