遭到情感背叛的林俐,失去生命。眼见亲者痛,仇者快,林俐的灵魂痛悔万分。这时,三名膀大腰圆,满头蛇发的西洋女子出现了。“我们是复仇女神,愿意成为我们的使者,代我们去惩治恶人吗?”“我能得到什么好处?”“让你的父母恢复健康,让你重获新生,让你的丈夫受到惩罚。”“好!成交!”Where Eagles Nest
Lynn needs her guardian's permission to marry--and his stepson, Paul Loukas, would never let that happen. Still, Lynn craves freedom. And with her options limited, she marries Paul in a desperate bid to gain her freedom.Years ago, Paul was in love with Lynn. And he can still deny her nothing--except the freedom she needs. His kisses fill her with desire, and soon Lynn begins to wonder whether the freedom her heart longs for is the freedom to leave--or stay.