你有没有想过,为什么销售同样产品与服务,成就却有天壤之别——排名前百分之二十的人员,总是包办了百分之八十的交易?答案是:他们运用了经过千锤百炼的经典成交秘诀。业务高手之所以脱颖而出,是因为他们懂得销售的艺术,其中的精髓正在于运用了成交的秘诀。Love So Rare
When Dawn inherits half of a luxurious estate in South Africa, she's overjoyed--until she finds out that to keep the estate, she must marry the man who owns the other half: Ralf Deverell, whose golden good looks draw her in even as his cold, unwelcoming eyes freeze her out.Unwillingly, Dawn goes through with the arrangement. Sure, she can find some legal way out of it, but Ralf's presence fills her with an undeniable desire--and soon she realizes he burns for her, too. But can their love survive in such troubled circumstances?