本书中再现的两宋之交这段历史,更像是一部魔幻悬疑大剧,充斥着意料之外、荒诞不经的大逆转,令人时而热血奔涌,时而义愤填膺,却总是欲罢不能。富足、繁华、文明的北宋盛极一时,传至徽宗已是八世,统治集团奢华腐化严重,历经四代革新无果,大厦将倾。六贼的出现是历史的必然,他们主导实施的一连串错误的重大举措,彻底掏空了北宋的国势。与此同时,金国崛起,挥师灭辽,国势正盛,与北宋形成鲜明对比,靖康之变在所难免。尽管有岳飞、韩世忠、吴玠等悍将强兵的血战,有黄天荡、仙人关、朱仙镇等振奋人心的大捷,看似扭转了南宋的劣势,实则不然,这些还不足以撼动南宋统治集团的偏安理念,他们心目中的北伐,目的不是北归,而是北望。Cuckoo Song
Read this thought-provoking, critically acclaimed novel from Frances Hardinge, winner of the Costa Book of the Year and Costa Children's Book Awards for The Lie Tree. When Triss wakes up after an accident, she knows something is very wrong. She is insatiably hungry, her sister seems scared of her, and her parents whisper behind closed doors. She looks through her diary to try to remember, but the pages have been ripped out. Soon Triss discovers that what happened to her is more strange and terrible than she could ever have imagined, and that she is quite literally not herself. In a quest to find the truth she must travel into the terrifying underbelly of the city to meet a twisted architect who has dark designs on her family—before it's too late … Set in England after World War I, this is a brilliantly creepy but ultimately loving story of the relationship between two sisters who have to band together against a world where nothing is as it seems.