修身齐家治国平天下,应以德为本。博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。诚是实现中庸之道的关键。在本书中,编者韩震等人采用活泼插图的表现方式,编选相关的精彩故事,融知识性与趣味性于一体,让青少年在诵读中轻松快乐地亲近本书,更直观、真切地感受本书的魅力,在阅读中积淀文化底蕴,培养良好道德品质,从而受益一生。11,002 Things to Be Miserable About
11,002 Things to Be Miserable About is a list of all the reasons NOT to wake up in the morning. Ironically enough, when you put all of them under one cover, it's actually very funny. This decidedly absurd inventory of misery is perfect for sardonic and disaffected youth, for people seeking gifts for Traumatic Event Birthdays (like 21, 25, 30, 40, and, well, anything after 40), and for anyone else with an offbeat sense of humor. Enjoy. Some of the entries are pretty basic, like imitation crabmeat, student loans, and David Hasselhoff, but other entries actually include educational things, like: Dust mites, which make up one-third of the weight of a six-year-old pillow. See, you can laugh and learn.