The Charleston Academy of Domestic Pursuits
Nestled deep in the South is a tiny Academy that teaches classes in the most important subject in the world: the domestic arts. The Academy's unique curriculum includes everything from cocktail-party etiquette to business entertaining, dealing with household guests, and cooking for the holidays. Here, after a little gentle instruction from Deans Pollak and Manigault, interspersed with plenty of humor, students find they are living healthier, having stronger ties to friends and family, and using their houses to branch out in ways they never dreamed possible. Since not everyone can get to their sold-out classes in Charleston, the Deans are now offering this book so happier living can be within everyone's grasp, not just the select few.成功潜能开发核心教程:思维
人类至少存在7种智能,即语言智能、数学逻辑智能、音乐智能、身体运动智能、空间智能、人际关系智能、和自我认识智能。每个人与生俱来都在某种程度上拥有上述7 智力的潜能,环境和教育对于能否使这些智力潜能得到开发和培育有重要作用。智能是原始的生物潜能,从技能的角度看,这种潜能只有在那些奇特的个体上,才以单一的形式表现出来。除此以外,几乎在所有的人身上,都是数种只能组合在一起。