《故事会》是中国最通俗的民间文学小本杂志,是中国的老牌刊物之一。先后获得两届中国期刊的最高奖——国家期刊奖。1998年,它在世界综合类期刊中发行量排名第5。从1984年开始,《故事会》由双月刊改为月刊,2003年11月份开始试行半月刊,2004年正式改为半月刊。现分为红、绿两版,其中红版为上半月刊,绿版为下半月刊。Before He Covets (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 600 five star reviews), comes book #3 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE COVETS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3), newly minted FBI agent Mackenzie White graduates the FBI Academy in Quantico only to find herself thrown into an urgent serial killer case. Women are turning up dead while camping in a remote national park in West Virginia. Yet the park is vast, and no connection can be found between them.At the same time, Mackenzie receives a call from Nebraska urging her to come home. After many years, a new clue has surfaced about her father's murder. The case no longer cold, Mackenzie desperately needs to help solve it.地球是烫的:低碳是人类的必然选择
本书分上、下两篇,共12章。其中,上篇讲述了低碳概念的成因及高碳对未来人类影响,包括“后天也许不是一个传说”“生活在碳基社会”“我们的生活环境”“不得不做的选择”“开疆拓源勇往直前”“低碳城市”。下篇介绍了低碳与我们生活方方面面的联系,并介绍如何才能更经济地走向低碳、走向绿色健康生活的方式,包括 “低碳生活我做主”“消费低碳”“低碳起居”“交通低碳”“办公低碳”“低碳旅游”。全书事例清楚、条理清晰,方法简便易行、经济实惠。