震惊!重生杀手强势归来,后宫佳丽竟达三千!权势滔天的厉总也倾尽所有只为博她一笑!“BOSS,有编辑说夫人后宫佳丽三千。”某男:“封杀!”“BOSS,夫人砸了电视台。”“帮她善后!”当某位宠妻狂魔见到自家媳妇:“媳妇,砸电视台的时候手痛吗?我给你呼呼。”某女:“……”说好的傲娇总裁呢???Field Work
At the centre of this collection, which includes groups of elegies and love poems, there is a short sonnet sequence which concentrates themes apparent elsewhere in the book: the individual's responsibility for his own choices, the artist's commitment to his vocation, the vulnerability of all in the face of circumstance and death. 'Throughout the volume Heaney's outstanding gifts, his eye, his ear, his understanding of the poetic language are on display - this is a book we cannot do without.' Martin Dodsworth, Guardian有风轻相迎