不喜欢看小说却有个死小说迷的闺蜜。当穿到闺蜜最近最喜欢看的小说里时。T_T,一秒释然,“还好没有系统,不然我都要不相信科学了。”穿到一具炮灰还是个丑八怪的身体上,T_T,一秒后“太好了!这么丑,肯定没人喜欢!”穿越……研究研究……嗯……还是去死比较好。 注意:女主有病!
特种部队冷血魔医女教官突变备受欺凌的哑巴弱女,一道赐婚御旨将她这个侯府弃子嫁到三无将军府,也将她扯进一桩桩扑朔迷离的奇案之中。成婚当日,不见新郎,不见宾朋,更无喜宴,倒是三教九流要债的堵满了前院后门,还有刑狱司的人大张旗鼓来捉拿逃犯。这一世,她本想只做个不问世事悠闲自在的哑巴妻,养花种草,闲来无事打理打理嫁妆铺子和田产。可是,偏偏有人和她过不去,和她这家徒四壁的将军府过不去,这个讥她败坏家风,那个骂她粗鲁蛮横,更笑她无规无矩无才无貌无德无良!切,真以为她是只吃哑巴亏,谁都能欺负的菟丝花。惹到睚眦必报的她,他们就会知道在老虎头上拔毛会是一个什么样的凄惨下场!只是,老虎是她而非他,他干嘛一副老母鸡护仔儿的样子,这么紧张她?!Once Cold (A Riley Paige Mystery—Book 8)
"A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)ONCE COLD is book #8 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 900 five star reviews!There is one cold case that has plagued Special Agent Riley Paige for her entire career, dwelling at the corners of her consciousness, forcing her to return to it again and again. The only case she has never solved, she has finally put it out of her mind.Until she gets a call from the murdered victim's mother.