楚汉争霸发生在秦朝末年,为推翻暴秦统治,各路英豪揭竿起义,项羽和刘邦就是其中的两股主要力量。项羽自封为西楚霸王,分封十八诸侯王,封刘邦为汉王。公元前206年8月至公元前202年12月,西楚霸王项羽与汉王刘邦两大势力集团,为了争夺政权展开了一场大规模战争,后以项羽败亡,刘邦建立西汉王朝而告终。Once Forsaken (A Riley Paige Mystery—Book 7)
"A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)ONCE FORSAKEN is book #7 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 700 five star reviews!重生王妃,腹黑王爷劫个色