他陪伴在她身边整整十五年,她却爱了另一个男人十五年。“不要伤心了,打起精神来,刑杰森不是也没怪你吗?”“他是没怪我,可我受够了那些明明自己难过还要不停安慰我的人,这感觉让我觉得自己糟透了。”当她不顾一切追求真爱,却撞破南墙头破血流的时候,他默默用时间来证明了,他才是最好的。当她终于明白自己的心意,蓦然回首时,灯火阑珊处依然有他在等候。他还是那副吊儿郎当的模样,走过来略显浮夸地勾搭住她的肩膀,嘴里的话也依然欠揍:“我妈给我取这名字的时候可真有先见之明啊,姜涞姜涞,我可不就是你的将来么。”世界每分每秒都在变,却唯独他能用这么漫长的时间证明给她看,这个变化多端的世界还是存在永远不变的人,当她终于顿悟,悔恨回头,他依旧和十几年前一样,一心爱她,全心等候,毫不吝啬地向她展开了怀抱。他说:“因为不知道下一辈子是不是还能遇见你,所以我这辈子才这么努力,想把最好的都给你。”Fly By Night
Everybody knew that books were dangerous. Read the wrong book, it was said, and the words crawled around your brain on black legs and drove you mad, wicked mad. Mosca Mye was born at a time sacred to Goodman Palpitattle, He Who Keeps Flies out of Jams and Butterchurns, which is why her father insisted on naming her after the housefly. He also insisted on teaching her to read—even in a world where books are dangerous, regulated things. Eight years later, Quillam Mye died, leaving behind an orphaned daughter with an inauspicious name and an all-consuming hunger for words. Trapped for years in the care of her cruel Uncle Westerly and Aunt Briony, Mosca leaps at the opportunity for escape, though it comes in the form of sneaky swindler Eponymous Clent. As she travels the land with Clent and her pet goose, Saracen, Mosca begins to discover complicated truths about the world she inhabits and the power of words.