处于20几岁的你,人生观、价值观已经初步形成,也经历了一些事情,对待是非也有了自己的评判标准;此时最重要的就是你的心态是否存在缺陷。因为一个人的心态,决定着人生的整个基调。人生是自己的,每个人都是自己的指挥官,想要过什么样的生活一切主动权皆操之在自己手里。I Hated to Do It
For over 40 years, Donald C. Farber was Kurt Vonnegut's attorney, literary agent, and close friend. In this deeply felt memoir, Farber offers a rare portrait of Vonnegut that is both candid and entertaining. A renowned entertainment lawyer with a largely famous clientele and a highly acclaimed author in his own right, Farber provides colorful anecdotes that detail the daily realities of working with Vonnegut from the perspective of the person who knew him best. The millions of fans around the world who mourned Vonnegut's passing will treasure this new and intimate portrait of him, not just as an acclaimed author, but also as a witty, eclectic, and brave personality that contributed greatly to our culture.故事会(2016年3月下)