一本生动忠实的讲堂实录。一次对钱穆学术思想和治学方法的梳理。一个与国学宗师亲近的机会。钱穆一生讲学不辍,育人无数,对现代中国学术研究影响深远。这本由叶龙记录整理的《钱穆学术文化九讲》收录了钱穆20世纪50年代至70年代在香港、台湾等地的9次讲演。内容涵盖思想、历史、文学、文化、政治、经济等诸方面。各篇互为补充,既有宏观上对文化历史的梳理,亦有断代研究的案例,以及个案研究成果的展示;既有思想文化的研究,亦有方法意义的探讨——是一本可以窥见钱穆宏大学术世界的小书。Wintering Out
'Seamus Heaney has gone beyond the themes of his earlier poetry and has made the giant step towards the most ambitious, most intractable themes of maturity. The power of this book comes from a sense that he is reaching out towards a type of desolation and of isolation without which no imagination can be seen to have grown up.' Eavan Boland, Irish Times 'Keyed and pitched unlike any other significant poet at work in the language anywhere.' Harold Bloom, Times Literary Supplement