本书以卡耐基的经典口才著作《语言的艺术》《演讲与口才》为蓝本,同时综合了卡耐基历年在演讲活动和口才培训课中的内容,体系明晰,完整、全面、系统地展现了卡耐基口才课的精髓。书中倾囊相授卡耐基口才训练与当众讲话的秘籍,帮助你突破语言与心理的双重障碍,克服封闭式的人性弱点,练就更为出色的口才,改善与外界的沟通能力, 在人际关系中脱颖而出,在爱情婚姻中如鱼得水,在事业工作中游刃有余。The Inconceivable Life of Quinn
Quinn Cutler is sixteen and the daughter of a high-profile Brooklyn politician. She's also pregnant, a crisis made infinitely more shocking by the fact that she has no memory of ever having sex. Before Quinn can solve this deeply troubling mystery, her story becomes public. Rumors spread, jeopardizing her reputation, her relationship with a boyfriend she adores, and her father's campaign for Congress. Religious fanatics gather at the Cutlers' home, believing Quinn is a virgin, pregnant with the next messiah. Quinn's desperate search for answers uncovers lies and family secrets—strange, possibly supernatural ones. Might she, in fact, be a virgin?