本书从八个方面详尽地论述了如何学会淡定。淡定是一种示现于外的状态,淡定是一种一心不乱的心境。淡定是泰然处之,正确抉择。淡定是正视磨难、正视挫折。淡定是随遇而安,正视得失。淡定是谋定而动,正确地面对挑战。淡定学会面对压力,轻松生活。淡定是放下恩怨,正确地面对是非功过。淡定是淡泊宁静,看淡名利。 这个时代需要“淡定”。我们每个人都需要这种心态,才会在生活中处之泰然,不会过于浮躁而迷失自我、过于兴奋而忘乎所以、过于悲伤而痛不欲生。淡定不是平庸,它是一种生活态度,是一种人生境界,是智慧的不争,是宠辱不惊,是对简单生活的一种追求。Dog Beach Unleashed (The Seagate Summers #2)
Remy can't wait for another summer on Seagate Island. It's time to bring back her successful dog-sitting business on Dog Beach and see her favorite friends. But instead of sunny days and fun in the sand, the summer is off to a rainy start. Remy and the dogs have cabin fever, and, to make matters worse, her friendship with her longtime pal, Bennett, is starting to feel complicated. What can one twelve-year-old do to create summer magic when the summer doesn't seem to be showing up?