人物:中国历史上的非凡女人 情节:始于上古之传说,经前秦、唐、宋、元、明、清,直至民国止,历经中国上下五千年之悠远,集历史相关之典籍,寻名家相关之著作,终得历史有载之数百非凡女子。 其中女子形色各异,不乏美貌贤良者,如:夏朝后缗、商朝妇好,唐朝长孙,清朝孝庄…… 不乏祸国殃民者,如:夏桀末喜,殷纣妲己、周幽褎姒、晋献骊姬、鲁庄哀姜、陈女夏姬…… 不乏权利熏心者,如:汉代吕后,唐代武则天,清代慈禧……之流; 亦不乏貌丑而贤者,如:黄帝(次妃)嫫母、梁鸿之妻孟光、齐宣之后钟离春……之辈; 此部作品以时间之序为“筋”;引众多古籍,名家著作为“骨”;以数百女子之故事为“肉”,打造了一部规模宏大的现代版《列女传》。
居庸关,是京北长城沿线上的著名古关城,地势险要,且有“一夫当关万夫莫开”之势,一直是兵家必争之地。居庸关的得失昭示着王朝的兴衰成败,更成为改朝换代的象征。此外,居庸关一带的汉族与关外游牧民族在此交汇,融合成具有居庸关特色的民俗文化。它雄伟的关城及众多的历史遗迹,为我们打开了一扇了解中国古代军事文化的大门。The Homecoming
Years after the events of Spencer's Mountain, Clay Spencer—Clay-Boy's father—fails to return home on Christmas Eve. Leaving his worried family to keep watch at the homestead, Clay-Boy takes to the snowy Virginia hills in search of his father. Along the way, he meets an irate deer, a threatening county sheriff, a congregation of African-American churchgoers, and two elderly women who happen to be bootleggers. The story of Clay-Boy's search for his father is told with warmth and intensity.Along with its prequel, Spencer's Mountain, The Homecoming was the inspiration for the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. Over fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to move and inspire.