本书精选荟萃了古今中外各行各业具有代表性的有关名人,其中有政治家、外交家、军事家、谋略家、思想家、文学家、艺术家、教育家、科学家、发明家、探险家、经济学家、企业家等,阅读这些名人的成长故事,能够领略他们的人生追求与思想力量,使我们受到启迪和教益,使我们能够很好地把握人生的关健时点,指导我们走好人生道路,取得事业发展。The Last Thing You Said
Last summer, Lucy's and Ben's lives changed in an instant. One moment, they were shyly flirting on a lake raft, finally about to admit their feelings to each other after years of yearning. In the next, Trixie—Lucy's best friend and Ben's sister—was gone, her heart giving out during a routine swim. And just like that, the idyllic world they knew turned upside down, and the would-be couple drifted apart, swallowed up by their grief. Now it's a year later in their small lake town, and as the anniversary of Trixie's death looms, Lucy and Ben's undeniable connection pulls them back together. They can't change what happened the day they lost Trixie, but the summer might finally bring them closer to healing—and to each other.