【起点一组签约作品】清代中叶,由于商品流通和货币周转的需要。产生了一种专营钱钞汇兑业务的机构,称为“票号”,也称“票庄”,或“汇兑庄”,这个行业为山西人所包揽,又被称为“山西票庄”,它垄断了全国的汇兑业,当时全国最大的票号共有17家,平遥人开的就占了7家,其中最大的票号是平遥人李景开开设的“日升昌”,它原是颜料行,于道光年间转为票号。该书讲解了中国票号鼻祖“日升昌”由开业到鼎盛的故事。诉说了一代晋商的爱恨情仇。它是中国银行的鼻祖。它是操控着19世纪中国金融业半壁江山的票号。它所在的那条街俗称19世纪中国的“华尔街”。它是晋商不能绕过的故事,是中国近代金融业不能越过的起点。如果没有平遥、没有“日昇昌”,中国现代金融业的历史会重新改写,或许连起点在哪都还不知道。《日升昌》书友群【暂时关闭】不好好更新的人,哪有资格有书友啊!Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes
When a blizzard threatens to ruin Valentine's Day, three seventh-grade friends make and distribute fortune cookies to their lonely neighbors—and confront the secrets they've been keeping from one another. Confident Kate doesn't notice much but the latest gossip, and shy Georgia can't say out loud what's always on her mind. They're joined by observant, careful Olivia, whose epic, single-minded crush on PBJ (real name: Phillip Becker-Jacobs) is starting to frustrate them. Using fortune cookies that mysteriously always seem to speak directly to the person who opens them, the three girls try to work together to bring some love to their building while reminding each other why they're such good friends to begin with.