她是带刺的玫瑰,身在豪门却心如冰清。坚强独立的性格,热爱生命,光明的身份是国际红十字协会的成员之一,背后却有着不为人知的秘密。他是古老家族的嫡传子孙,身负无数家族秘密。年纪轻轻的他却对生活失去了热情,杀伐果断竟然无丝毫人气。两人被迫绑在一起,要如何相处相知相悉?谈笑风生,从来都是围观者才有的心态。看千年前的一段恩怨如何将两人的生活打乱,陷入绝境。【蓬莱岛原创社团出品】Shadow of Apollo
When her gorgeous stepmother, Sylvia, makes plans to marry Glavcos Kyrou, an older, wealthy Greek gentleman, Jenny can't help but disapprove. Glavcos is domineering and arrogant--and Sylvia is clearly only after his money. Glavcos'son, Daros, is devastatingly handsome--and Jenny falls helplessly in love. But Sylvia is not immune to Daros'undeniable magnetism, and soon she has her eye on the son rather than the father. Sylvia always gets the man she wants--this time, will she take Jenny's?