A Radiant Life
A Radiant Life presents the unequivocal voice of Nuala O'Faolain tackling a vast range of subjects from Catholicism to feminism, from Sinatra to Africa, and from Irish American culture to Islam and the West. Curious and funny, tender and scathing, O'Faolain's columns were never less than trenchant and were always passionate. "I was blinded by the habit of translating everything into personal terms," she writes apologetically, but this is the power of her journalism. Through the prism of casual, everyday encounters, O'Faolain presses her subject, reaching beyond the prompting of the moment to transcend topicality. The result is a cumulative historical narrative, an inadvertent chronicle of a transformed Ireland by one of its sharpest observers and canniest wkkk.net for A Radiant Life:"This book is a gift." -The Boston Globe宠妻成瘾:秦少老婆很倾城
“蓉儿,你真的不后悔跟了我?我这个穷小子什么都没有。”他泪眼模糊的抱着我,低语。“傻瓜,你有我就足够了!至于你大哥……我会让他死心的,一定会的!”我心悸的闭上眼,耳边回响着费扬古沙哑的魔音:我不怕背千古骂名!杀弟夺妻!我什么事都做得出来!!神啊,请保佑我,不要让这件可怕的事发生啊!Secret base
“我回来了。”玄关处传来了三上崇水的声音,他匆忙换了运动鞋,鞋架旁的指针已经转到了十二点过半,过了三上家午餐开饭的时间。 “哥,你好慢。”干净的声音自里屋传来,那是崇水的弟弟三上雪哉,“菜都冷得差不多了。”“抱歉,整理资料慢了一点儿。”崇水并没有露出多歉疚的表情,他本来就是个不擅长表达感情的人。“我刚才把锅子热了一下,”父亲笑眯眯地从厨房走出来,他把手里的青绿色石锅放在木桌上,招呼崇水赶快坐下吃。