The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshi
A new generation of urban bootleggers is distilling whiskey at home, and cocktail enthusiasts have embraced the nuances of brown liquors. Written by the founders of Kings County Distillery, New York City's first distillery since Prohibition, this spirited illustrated book explores America's age-old love affair with whiskey. It begins with chapters on whiskey's history and culture from 1640 to today, when the DIY trend and the classic cocktail craze have conspired to make it the next big thing. For those thirsty for practical information, the book next provides a detailed, easy-to-follow guide to safe home distilling, complete with a list of supplies, step-by-step instructions, and helpful pictures, anecdotes, and tips. The final section focuses on the contemporary whiskey scene, featuring a list of microdistillers, cocktail and food recipes from the country's hottest mixologists and chefs, and an opinionated guide to building your own whiskey collection.天文:从望星空到登天
天文学是观察和研究宇宙间天体的学科,它研究天体的分布、运动、位置、状态、结构、组成、性质及起源和演化,是自然科学中的一门基础学科。 《学科学魅力大探索天文:从望星空到登天》详细介绍了古代天文学的发展、思想成就,以及测量日影仪器表、候风地动仪等天文学科知识。