本书为章回体长篇历史小说,集中描写了1914—1916年传奇将领尹昌衡北上赴京维护共和,反对独裁,捍卫辛亥革命成果的一段经历。这一时期的北洋政府,政治情势波诡云谲,各派势力明争暗斗。袁世凯通电尹昌衡到北京述职,实则软禁这位勇猛武将,妄图利诱其支持自己称帝。尹昌衡坚决反对独裁,艰难周旋于袁世凯的权术之中。期间,尹昌衡与青楼女子良玉楼相识,结下一段荡气回肠的生死情缘,堪比同时期蔡锷与小凤仙的爱情传奇。History of the Twentieth Century
The 20th century has been one of the most unique in human history. It has seen the rise of some of humanity's most important advances to date, as well as many of its most violent and terrifying wars. This is a condensed version of renowned historian Martin Gilbert's masterful examination of the century's history, offering the highlights of a three-volume work covering more than 3,000 pages.From the invention of aviation to the rise of the Internet, and from events and cataclysmic changes in Europe to those in Asia, Africa, and North America, Martin examines art, literature, war, religion, life and death, and celebration and renewal throughout the world, and throughout this turbulent and astonishing century.