坐牢十年,和女囚们日出而作,日落而息,从二十六岁到三十六岁,作者说,比某些夫妻的婚龄长,比很多小两口还亲。那里,外表平静如镜,其实,终日翻江倒海。每个犯人都有经历,而经历就是故事。情罪小说系列《刘氏女》是其中之一则,杀夫、肢解、装坛、入狱、赎罪。三十年后,真的刘氏女也许已经走了,作者把她落在纸上,不写政治,不说制度,沒有直接刻意描写那个年代的丑陋,甚至连愤慨也沒有,笔墨集中表达女囚的命运,窥探她们的內心。这是作者第一次正式写出的小说作品。Opened Ground
This volume is a much-needed new selection of Seamus Heaney's work, taking account of recent volumes and of the author's work as a translator, and offering a more generous choice from previous volumes. Opened Ground: Poems 1966-1996 comes as close to being a 'Collected Poems' as its author cares to make it. It replaces his New Selected Poems 1966-1987, giving a fuller selection from each of the volumes represented there and adding large parts of those that have appeared since, together with examples of his work as a translator from the Greek, Latin, Italian and other languages. The book concludes with 'Crediting Poetry', the speech with which Seamus Heaney accepted the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature, awarded to him, in the words of the Swedish Academy of Letters, for his 'works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth'.