《迷失的兵城》是著名作家师永刚推出的一部长篇新军事探险小说,该书以西北戍边军人的战斗生活为场景展,年轻的中尉单一海和学者子老,凭《汉书》中短短200字的记述,围绕一座废弃2000年古代兵城的神秘探险,揭了一段尘封已久的2000多年前一支古罗马战俘神秘消失的历史之谜。单一海对于神秘古城遗址的探寻,学者子老毕生的执着探索,凭着共同的理想和信念,两人成为忘年之交,共同投到探寻古城奥秘的事业当中。青年中尉单一海与女军医女真之间发生的曲折感人的爱情纠葛。雄奇壮美的西北高原、古城、大漠、落日、戈壁,全方位地展现了西北戍边军人的精神风貌和战斗生活场景,是一部反映当代边防军旅生涯的优秀长篇军事探险小说。Before He Preys (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 9)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes BEFORE HE PREYS, book #9 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White finds herself stumped. Victims are turning up dead, unrecognizable, their bodies hurled from the highest of heights. A deranged serial killer, obsessed with heights, is killing his victims from the highest locations. The pattern seems random.But is it?Only by entering into the darkest canals of the killer's mind can Mackenzie begin to understand what his motive is—and where he will strike next. In a deadly chase of cat and mouse, Mackenzie drives herself to the brink to stop him—but even then, it may be too late.A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, BEFORE HE PREYS is book #9 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night.简·爱